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Produkt zum Begriff Simplified:

  • Home Network Security Simplified
    Home Network Security Simplified

    A straightforward, graphic-based reference for securing your home network  Set up a firewall Secure your wireless network Stop adware and spyware Keep your children safe from online threats Prevent a virus outbreak Avoid Internet scams  Phishing. Malware. Spyware. Trojan horses. Firewalls. Parental controls. If you have a home computer connected to the Internet, you need to understand these security terms. If that connection is high-speed (always on) or you run a wireless network, your need–your vulnerability–is that much greater. Now, with Home Network Security Simplified, you can get illustrated, easy-to-digest information written specifically for your needs.   For each class of security threat, Home Network Security Simplified provides a tutorial–including tricks and tools that hackers use, a primer on network security design fundamentals, and step-by-step instructions on implementing security solutions. The authors also offer tips for monitoring your network and show what to do in the event of a security breach. Specifically, you will learn how to: Home Network Security Simplified features engaging four-color illustrations throughout, as well as informative security tips and pointers to other resources for more advanced information. Use this book to find the peace of mind that comes with knowing that your home network and your information are secure.   Jim Doherty is the director of marketing and programs with Symbol Technologies’ industry solutions group. Prior to joining Symbol, Jim worked at Cisco Systems, where he led various marketing campaigns for IP telephony and routing and switching solutions. Jim has 17 years of engineering and marketing experience across a broad range of networking and communications technologies. Jim is a coauthor of the Networking Simplified series, including Cisco Networking Simplified, Home Networking Simplified, and Internet Phone Services Simplified. He is also the author of the “Study Notes” section of CCNA Flash Cards and Exam Practice Pack (CCNA Self-Study, Exam #640-801), Second Edition. Jim is a former Marine Corps sergeant; he holds a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from N.C. State University and a master’s degree in business administration from Duke University.   Neil Anderson is the senior manager of enterprise systems engineering at Cisco Systems. Neil has more than 20 years of engineering experience including public telephone systems, mobile phone systems, Internet, and home networking. At Cisco, Neil’s focus is large corporate customers in the areas of routing and switching, wireless, security, and IP communications. Neil is a coauthor of the Networking Simplified series, including Home Networking Simplified and Internet Phone Services Simplified. Neil holds a bachelor’s degree in computer science.   This book is part of the Networking Technology Series from Cisco Press®, the only authorized publisher for Cisco Systems.  

    Preis: 10.69 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Cisco Networking Simplified
    Cisco Networking Simplified

    Cisco Networking Simplified Second Edition   Master today’s world of Cisco networking with this book’s completely updated, fully illustrated visual approach Easy enough for novices, substantive enough for networking professionals Covers the latest networking topics—from network architecture to secure wireless, unified communications to telepresence   In Full Color   Jim Doherty • Neil Anderson • Paul Della Maggiora   Now 100 percent updated for the latest technologies, this is today’s easiest, most visual guide to Cisco® networking. Even if you’ve never set up or managed a network, Cisco Networking Simplified, Second Edition, helps you quickly master the concepts you need to understand. Its full-color diagrams and clear explanations give you the big picture: how each important networking technology works, what it can do for you, and how they all fit together. The authors illuminate networking from the smallest LANs to the largest enterprise infrastructures, offering practical introductions to key issues ranging from security to availability, mobility to virtualization.   What you always wanted to know about networking but were afraid to ask! How networks and the Internet work How to build coherent, cost-effective network infrastructures How to design networks for maximum reliability and availability What you need to know about data center and application networking How to secure networks against today’s threats and attacks How to take advantage of the latest mobility technologies How virtualizing networks can help businesses leverage their network investments even further How to combine messaging, calendaring, telephony, audio, video, and web conferencing into a unified communications architecture     This book is part of the Networking Technology Series from Cisco Press®, the only authorized publisher for Cisco®.   Category: Cisco Covers: General Networking  

    Preis: 33.16 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Signal and Power Integrity - Simplified
    Signal and Power Integrity - Simplified

    The #1 Practical Guide to Signal Integrity Design—with Revised Content and New Questions and Problems!This book brings together up-to-the-minute techniques for finding, fixing, and avoiding signal integrity problems in your design. Drawing on his work teaching several thousand engineers and graduate students, world-renowned expert Eric Bogatin systematically presents the root causes of all six families of signal integrity, power integrity, and electromagnetic compatibility problems. Bogatin reviews essential principles needed to understand these problems, and shows how to use best design practices and techniques to prevent or address them early in the design cycle. To help test and reinforce your understanding, this new edition adds questions and problems throughout. Bogatin also presents more examples using free tools, plus new content on high-speed serial links, reflecting input from 130+ of his graduate students. • A fully up-to-date introduction to signal integrity and physical design • New questions and problems designed for both students and professional engineers • How design and technology selection can make or break power distribution network performance • Exploration of key concepts, such as plane impedance, spreading inductance, decoupling capacitors, and capacitor loop inductance • Practical techniques for analyzing resistance, capacitance, inductance, and impedance • Using QUCS to predict waveforms as voltage sources are affected by interconnect impedances • Identifying reflections and crosstalk with free animation tools • Solving signal integrity problems via rules of thumb, analytic approximation, numerical simulation, and measurement • Understanding how interconnect physical design impacts signal integrity • Managing differential pairs and losses • Harnessing the full power of S-parameters in high-speed serial link applications • Designing high-speed serial links associated with differential pairs and lossy lines—including new coverage of eye diagrams • Ensuring power integrity throughout the entire power distribution path • Realistic design guidelines for improving signal integrity, and much more For professionals and students at all levels of experience, this book emphasizes intuitive understanding, practical tools, and engineering discipline, rather than theoretical derivation or mathematical rigor. It has earned a well-deserved reputation as the #1 resource for getting signal integrity designs right—first time, every time.

    Preis: 85.59 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Modern Living, Simplified By Cavalli Boutique Apartments
    Modern Living, Simplified By Cavalli Boutique Apartments

    Preis: 119 € | Versand*: 0.00 €

Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Simplified:

  • SDN and NFV Simplified: A Visual Guide to Understanding Software Defined Networks and Network Function Virtualization
    SDN and NFV Simplified: A Visual Guide to Understanding Software Defined Networks and Network Function Virtualization

    A Visual Guide to Understanding Software Defined Networks and Network Function Virtualization   The simple, visual, at-a-glance guide to SDN and NFV: Core concepts, business drivers, key technologies, and more!   SDN (Software Defined Networks) and NFV (Network Function Virtualization) are today’s hottest areas of networking. Many executives, investors, sales professionals, and marketers need a solid working understanding of these technologies, but most books on the subject are written specifically for network engineers and other technical experts. SDN and NFV Simplified fills that gap, offering highly visual, “at-a-glance” explanations of SDN, NFV, and their underlying virtualizations.   Built around an illustrated, story-telling approach, this answers the questions: Why does this technology matter? How does it work? Where is it used? What problems does it solve?   Through easy, whiteboard-style infographics, you’ll learn: how virtualization enables SDN and NFV; how datacenters are virtualized through clouds; how networks can also be virtualized; and how to maximize security, visibility, and Quality of Experience in tomorrow’s fully-virtualized environments.   Step by step, you’ll discover why SDN and NFV technologies are completely redefining both enterprise and carrier networks, and driving the most dramatic technology migration since IP networking. That’s not all: You’ll learn all you need to help lead this transformation.   Learn how virtualization establishes the foundation for SDN and NFV Review the benefits of VMs, the role of hypervisors, and the management of virtual resources Discover how cloud technologies enable datacenter virtualization Understand the roles of networking gear in virtualized datacenters See VMWare VMotion and VXLAN at work in the virtualized datacenter Understand multitenancy and the challenges of “communal living” Learn how core network functions and appliances can be virtualized Ensure performance and scalability in virtualized networks Compare modern approaches to network virtualization, including OpenFlow, VMWare Nicera, Cisco Inseieme, and OpenStack Walk through the business case for SDN, NFV, and the Cloud Discover how the Software Defined Network (SDN) solves problems previously left unaddressed Understand SDN controllers–and who’s fighting to control your network Use SDN and NFV to improve integration and say goodbye to “truck rolls” Enforce security, avoid data leakage, and protect assets through encryption Provide for effective monitoring and consistent Quality of Experience (QoE) Learn how SDN and NFV will affect you–and what’s next  

    Preis: 24.6 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Principles of Power Integrity for PDN Design--Simplified: Robust and Cost Effective Design for High Speed Digital Products
    Principles of Power Integrity for PDN Design--Simplified: Robust and Cost Effective Design for High Speed Digital Products

    Consistently Design PDNs That Deliver Reliable Performance at the Right CostToo often, PDN designs work inconsistently, and techniques that work in some scenarios seem to fail inexplicably in others. This book explains why and presents realistic processes for getting PDN designs right in any new product. Drawing on 60+ years of signal and power integrity experience, Larry Smith and Eric Bogatin show how to manage noise and electrical performance, and complement intuition with analysis to balance cost, performance, risk, and schedule. Throughout, they distill the essence of complex real-world problems, quantify core principles via approximation, and apply them to specific examples. For easy usage, dozens of key concepts and observations are highlighted as tips and listed in quick, chapter-ending summaries.Coverage includes• A practical, start-to-finish approach to consistently meeting PDN performance goals• Understanding how signals interact with interconnects• Identifying root causes of common problems, so you can avoid them• Leveraging analysis tools to efficiently explore design space and optimize tradeoffs• Analyzing impedance-related properties of series and parallel RLC circuits• Measuring low impedance for components and entire PDN ecologies• Predicting loop inductance from physical design features• Reducing peak impedances from combinations of capacitors• Understanding power and ground plane properties in the PDN interconnect• Taming signal integrity problems when signals change return planes• Reducing peak impedance created by on-die capacitance and package lead inductance• Controlling transient current waveform interactions with PDN features• Simple spreadsheet-based analysis techniques for quickly creating first-pass designsThis guide will be indispensable for all engineers involved in PDN design, including product, board, and chip designers; system, hardware, component, and package engineers; power supply designers, SI and EMI engineers, sales engineers, and their managers.

    Preis: 97.36 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Fussmatte Anmeldung 10623
    Fussmatte Anmeldung 10623

    Mit dieser Fussmatte Anmeldung 10623 zaubern Sie nicht nur Ihren Besuchern ein Lächeln ins Gesicht. Diese sehr hochwertige Türmatte ist reissfest, knitterfrei, waschbar. Da sie mit 7 mm Gesamthöhe sehr flach ist, passt sie unter fast jede Tür. Die Fussmatte ist Schadstoffgeprüft und für Allergiker geeignet. Sie erhalten 5 Jahre Herstellergarantie.. Pflegetipps: Waschen Sie die Fussmatte Anmeldung 10623 separat bei 40° Temperatur mit Feinwaschmittel, schleudern diese auf niedriger Stufe, dadurch richten sich die Fasern auf, der Mattenflor wird aktiviert und transportbedingte Falten und Knicke werden wieder glatt. Pflegen Sie so Ihre Fussmatte regelmäßig und Sie werden überrascht sein, wie viele Jahre Qualität und Farbe erhalten bleiben.. Rückgaberecht ist ausgeschlossen, da es sich um eine individuelle Fussmatte handelt.

    Preis: 42.73 € | Versand*: 8.90 €
  • Signal and Power Integrity - Simplified
    Signal and Power Integrity - Simplified

    The #1 Practical Guide to Signal Integrity Design—with Revised Content and New Questions and Problems!This book brings together up-to-the-minute techniques for finding, fixing, and avoiding signal integrity problems in your design. Drawing on his work teaching several thousand engineers and graduate students, world-renowned expert Eric Bogatin systematically presents the root causes of all six families of signal integrity, power integrity, and electromagnetic compatibility problems. Bogatin reviews essential principles needed to understand these problems, and shows how to use best design practices and techniques to prevent or address them early in the design cycle. To help test and reinforce your understanding, this new edition adds questions and problems throughout. Bogatin also presents more examples using free tools, plus new content on high-speed serial links, reflecting input from 130+ of his graduate students. • A fully up-to-date introduction to signal integrity and physical design • New questions and problems designed for both students and professional engineers • How design and technology selection can make or break power distribution network performance • Exploration of key concepts, such as plane impedance, spreading inductance, decoupling capacitors, and capacitor loop inductance • Practical techniques for analyzing resistance, capacitance, inductance, and impedance • Using QUCS to predict waveforms as voltage sources are affected by interconnect impedances • Identifying reflections and crosstalk with free animation tools • Solving signal integrity problems via rules of thumb, analytic approximation, numerical simulation, and measurement • Understanding how interconnect physical design impacts signal integrity • Managing differential pairs and losses • Harnessing the full power of S-parameters in high-speed serial link applications • Designing high-speed serial links associated with differential pairs and lossy lines—including new coverage of eye diagrams • Ensuring power integrity throughout the entire power distribution path • Realistic design guidelines for improving signal integrity, and much more For professionals and students at all levels of experience, this book emphasizes intuitive understanding, practical tools, and engineering discipline, rather than theoretical derivation or mathematical rigor. It has earned a well-deserved reputation as the #1 resource for getting signal integrity designs right—first time, every time.

    Preis: 85.59 € | Versand*: 0 €

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